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Saturday, September 10, 2005

Hello. My name is Lisa, and I am a Knitaholic!

I am out of control again!  I spent this morning digging through my yarn stash and patterns looking for ideas for Christmas presents.  I had forgotten how many projects currently reside in "The Pile of Undone Projects."  Seeing some of them made me want to resurrect them immediately.  I counted everything up, and including the items in my WIP list on the side of the blog, there would be 18 projects on the knitting needles if I worked on everything I wanted to work on!  I would never get anything done!  Sigh.  So much to knit, so little time!  One of the projects that would definitely be on the "Must Knit List" (aka my "Wish List" -- I wish I had time to knit it!) is in this book pictured above.  The pattern on pages 102-104 of the book is for a scarf called Knotted Burgundy Sparkles.  It uses the yarn Paton's Brilliant in the color Burgundy Sparkles, and it is gorgeous!  The knotted fringe is the perfect finishing touch.  Guess what I just happen to have in my "Outta Control Yarn Stash"????  Yup.  You guessed it!  Patons Brilliant yarn in Burgundy Sparkles!  OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The Knitting Gods are conspiring against me again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The first step is admitting you have a problem.  This is the reason I never admit it!  But you know the truth about me, as do my friends & family.  I'm just in denial!  Welcome, fellow Knitaholic & Yarn Fiend!