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Monday, March 29, 2004

New Beginnings

Welcome to my new journal!  Thanks for following me from the old one.  Due to circumstances that I won't go into here, the cats and I have moved into an apartment 30 miles from where I used to live.  As you can imagine, there has not been much time for knitting in the last 2 weeks!  Moving does that to you! lol!  As I am sitting here surrounded by boxes and shreds of a life, I am slowly putting things away and picking up the pieces and moving on.  It is a slow and painful process.  We never know what the future holds, but one thing for sure that mine holds is knitting!! On the bright side of this adventure, my commute to work will only be 5 minutes instead of 1 hour, and you know what that means -- almost 2 hours more knitting time per day!  And in the process of moving I have found yarn I forgot I even had! lol! See, there is a bright side to everything!  :)  I plan to continue on with my WIP's (that is as soon as I can find them -- lol!).  I will continue on with the Santa Fe Shawl I am knitting with Bron, and the Northern Lights crochet cardigan.  And.......... since this is a time for new beginnings, don't you think I should extend that to beginning a new knitting project?????  I think that would be just what I need! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I second that motion!  You should dig out that knitting & have some "you" time.  Knitting makes the world seem better.  Enjoy!